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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: p-Adic numbers and cognition and intention.cmap, p-adic physics might define physical cor- relates of cognition and intention meaning that transformation of intention to action means quantum jump in which quantum superposition of p-adic space-time sheets transforms to that for real space-time sheets, transformation of intention to action means quantum jump in which quantum superposition of p-adic space-time sheets transforms to that for real space-time sheets suggesting that the larger the number of rational points of 3-surface, the higher the probality for the formation of thought bubble or realization of intention, THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION is suggested by the fact that rationals are tailor made for numerics: only rat- ionals are represent- able both cognitively and "materially", the notion of p-adic manifold for which chart maps from p-adic space-time sheet to real one and vice versa define cognitive represen- tation and its inverse representing realiza- tion of intention realized in terms of canonical identification or some of its variants, THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION involves also other notions, p-adic physics might define physical cor- relates of cognition and intention meaning that p-adic space-time sheets define "thought bubbles", the mind stuff of Descrartes, with spin glass energy landscape which is fractal having potential wells inside potential wells realized in TGD as 4-D spin glass degeneracy accompanying the vacuum degeneray of Kaehler action, the failure of strict determin- ism of p-adic differential equations due to the existence of pseudo con- stants having vanishing de- rivative but depending on finite number of pinary digits only, life resides in the intersection of of reality and va- rious p-adicities realizing the idea that rationals common to reals and various p-adic number fields represent the inter- section of matter and mind, p-adic physics might define physical cor- relates of cognition and intention meaning that formation of cognitive rep- resentations - thoughts - means transformation of real space-time sheets to p-adic ones in quantum jump, ultrametricity characterizing p-adic topology associated with spin glass energy landscape which is fractal having potential wells inside potential wells, other notions such as evolutionary hierarchy represented in terms of algebraic complexity of 3-surfaces, THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION is suggested by the failure of strict determin- ism of p-adic differential equations, THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION relies on the notion of p-adic manifold for which chart maps from p-adic space-time sheet to real one and vice versa define cognitive represen- tation and its inverse representing realiza- tion of intention, the existence of pseudo con- stants having vanishing de- rivative but depending on finite number of pinary digits only and possibly relating to the non-determinism of intention, imagination and cognition, other notions such as negentropic entanglement and Negentropy Maximization Principle (NMP), THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION is suggested by the fact that rationals are common to reals and various p-adic number fields, THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION assumes that life resides in the intersection of of reality and va- rious p-adicities, formation of cognitive rep- resentations - thoughts - means transformation of real space-time sheets to p-adic ones in quantum jump suggesting that the larger the number of rational points of 3-surface, the higher the probality for the formation of thought bubble or realization of intention, THE IDENTIFICATION OF P-ADIC NUMBERS AS CORRELATES OF COGNITION AND INTENTION is suggested by ultrametricity characterizing p-adic topology